

2019-01-07 17:33     中国足球协会

  宋桂龙教授(Professor Song Guilong)



  Associate professor of turfgrass science department in Beijing Forestry University,the deputy director of football turf research and development center

  北京林业大学林学院副教授,北京林业大学足球场草坪研究与发展中心副主任,中国草学会运动场专业委员会副主任兼秘书长,中国水土保持学会工程绿化专业委员会委员。2000年毕业于河北农业大学林学专业,2006年获得北京林业大学农学博士学位并留校任教。2015-2016年以访问学者身份在美国罗格斯大学(Rutgers University)草坪研究中心访问学习。主要从事草坪科学与技术、植被恢复理论与技术的科研和教学工作,先后主持参与国家级、省部级等各类科研项目30多项,以第一作者或通讯作者发表中文核心论文100余篇,SCI和EI收录论文8篇,获得授权专利8项,软件著作权2项,参编国家及地方标准8项,出版专著及教材6部,获得省部级科技奖励4项。

  Dr. Guilong Song, the associate professor of turfgrass science department in Beijing Forestry University, is the deputy director of football turf research and development center. Besides, he is the deputy director and secretary-general of Sports pitch committee of the Chinese Grassland Society. Dr. Song received his bachelor’s degree in Forestry in Hebei Agricultural University in 2000 and the Ph. D. in Agriculture in Beijing Forestry University in 2006, where he stayed and started his teaching career. He once visited the Turf Research Center of Rutgers University in the United States as a visiting scholar from 2015 to 2016. He mainly engaged in scientific research and teaching work of turf science and technology. Up till now, Dr. Song has published over 100 research papers (8 papers were included in SCI and EI), participated in writing six books including Sports Turf, Golf Course and Sports Turf,Turfgrass Science, obtained 8 authorized patents and 2 software copyrights, and received four Science and Technology Awards of ministerial and provincial-level.
