

2019-01-07 16:23     中国足球协会

茅勇杰(Tony Mao)


  Specification Manager of Rain Bird Trading (Shanghai) Co., Ltd.  


  Mr. Mao, engage in Designing and Planning of Irrigation Solution relevant to Soccer Pitch, hitherto have been amassing seven more years of experience which concerning irrigation solution of soccer’s turfgrass. Excel at differentiated irrigation solutions between Synthetic turfgrass and Natural turfgrass, in addition that be proficient in corresponding programming solution to conform with customers’ requirements. Participate in lots of Designing, Planning and Consulting of irrigation solutions in connection with domestic and international soccer pitch, e.g. SIPG FC’s professional training court in Shanghai Century Park, Beijing Nest-Bird Soccer Training court, Suzhou Industry Park’s Soccer Pitch, Nantong Football School,SIPC FC‘s football training base in Kunming and the irrigation designing and planning of soccer pitch relevant to the Asia Games of Hangzhou etc.
